Friday, March 30, 2007


So, on one of the last days in Paris, a group of us decided to participate in a GeoCaching expedition that Dr. Searson had set up for us. We all got on the train, and headed to....I dont remember where. Dr. Searson described to us what GeoCaching actually is. A famous Parisian artist put up pixelated "Space Aliens" all over different cities in the world, and with a GPS system, we were on the hunt to find them. As soon as we got into the vicinity of one of the "Space Aliens," we were let loose to find it. A group of us decided to walk down a main road. Peter and I looked up at a wall, and saw something fairly odd. We both had the same idea running through our head, "Hey, that looks like one of the aliens from Space Invaders." At the exact same time, Peter and I spoke up to Dr. Searson and asked if we had found it. Dr. Searson delightfully told us that we had found the Space Alien and won the GeoCaching expedition. Here are some photos of what I'm talking about....

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